July Daily Exercise Videos

We have finished our daily exercise videos throughout the month of July and decided it would be good to have them all in one place. So here they are! We hope you have enjoyed this little series.

Day 1: Glute Bridge

Day 2: Plank

Day 3: Side Plank

Day 4: Clams

Day 5: Crab Walk

Day 6: Hip Hinge

Day 7: Deadlift

Day 8: Y’s, T’s, W’s

Day 9: Theraband Pull-a-Parts

Day 10: Supine KB Press

Day 11: Arm Bar

Day 12: Calf Lowers

Day 13: Single Leg Strength

Day 14: Step Up

Day 15: Squat

Day 16: Jumps and Hops - Floor

Day 17: Jumps and Hops - Step

Day 18: Bottoms Up KB Walk

Day 19: Overhead Press

Day 20: Clean and Jerk

Day 21: Turkish Get Up

Day 22: Nordic Hamstring Curls

Day 1: Glute Bridge

The glute bridge is a great exercise to be doing everyday. It is my starting point for clients with lower back pain, focusing on activating the glutes and keeping the lower back still. It is also useful for lower limb complaints like hip and knee pain, particularly the single leg glute bridge. Having good control of the hips is essential for running and jumping athletes.

Day 2: Plank

The plank is another great exercise for lower back pain. The plank requires you to activate the abdominal and back muscles to keep the spine in a neutral position. Core stability is essential for living a pain free life and will also help improve athletic performance.

Day 3: Side Plank

The side plank, like a normal plank, is great for trunk stability. It particularly targets the lateral chain, obliques and glute medius.

Day 4: Clams

Clams are great for targeting glute medius. Glute medius strength is essential for running and jumping athletes. Strengthening the glute medius can also help relieve hip and knee pain.

Day 5: Crab Walk

Similar to the clams, the crabwalk targets glute medius. It is a little more challenging as it is in a standing position. The great thing about the crabwalk is you can exercise both legs at the same time and you get both concentric and eccentric phases of the muscle contraction.

Day 6: Hip Hinge

The hip hinge is the start of learning how to deadlift. This is an exercise that I give to clients with lower back pain. It teaches the client to keep their back straight while they move through the hips. It utilises the biggest muscle in the body, the gluteus maximus. It is also good for lengthening hamstring muscles.

Day 7: Deadlift

Moving on from learning the hip hinge movement yesterday we can add some weight for the deadlift. Deadlifts are a great exercise for back and glute strength. Single leg deadlifts are essential for running athletes.

Day 8: Y’s, T’s, W’s

Y's, T's and W's are exercises for the scapular stabilising muscles; rhomboids and mid and lower traps. If you are suffering from neck and shoulder pain then strengthening the scapular stabilising muscles will help.

Day 9: Theraband Pull-a-Parts

Another exercise targeting scapular stabilisers. Make sure you keep the shoulders down and squeeze in between the scaps.

Day 10: Supine KB Press

The supine KB press is a great exercise for increasing shoulder stability. Great for people recovering from rotator cuff injuries or those looking to increase their overhead lifting ability.

Day 11: Arm Bar

The arm bar is a great exercise for increasing shoulder stability. It challenges the shoulder stabilising muscles, primarily the rotator cuff muscles, to keep the shoulder stable as we move through the thoracic region. A great exercise for people recovering from rotator cuff injuries.

Day 12: Calf Lowers

This is an eccentric exercise for the calves. Eccentric exercises are great for lengthening muscles and increasing strength. Calf lowers are great for people experiencing calf pain, particularly achilles tendinopathy.

Day 13: Single Leg Strength

Single leg strength is essential for runners. Running is a single leg activity, meaning you only ever have one leg on the ground at a time. Single leg exercises are also important for people recovering from ankle or knee injuries.

Day 14: Step Up

Step ups are another great exercise to build single leg strength. Great for runners and clients experiencing knee pain.

Day 15: Squat

Squats are a great exercuse for building quad, glute and back strength. It's important to make sure that you keep your back straight and keep your knees tracking over your toes.

Day 16: Jumps and Hops - Floor

Once we have built single leg strength we need to add some dynamic exercise as well. If you are recovering from a ankle or knee injury and looking to return to running or sport then dynamic jumps and hops are essential.

Day 17: Jumps and Hops - Step

To increase the difficulty of our hops and jumps we can add a step. Obviously the higher the step the more challenging.

Day 18: Bottoms Up KB Walk

The bottoms up kettle bell walk is a great exercise for shoulder stability as well as abdominal stability.

Day 19: Overhead Press

The overhead press is a great exercise for increasing shoulder strength. It also require abdominal stability.

Day 20: Clean and Jerk

The clean and jerk movement combines the deadlift and overhead press movements. It is a great exercise for abdominal and shoulder strength.

Day 21: Turkish Get Up

The Turkish get up is a exercise that challenges mobility and stability through nearly every joint in the body. It is a complex movement that may take some time to perfect but a great exercise to build strength and stability in the body.

Day 22: Nordic Hamstring Curls

This is the final day of our daily exercise videos and we saved the best to last. The Nordic Hamstring Curl is the gold standard of hamstring exercises. It is an essential part of recovery from a hamstring injury and should be used as a preventative exercise by athletes that have high load on their hamstrings like sprinting and kicking athletes.

If you have any questions regarding the exercises or are confused about where to start please book and appointment and come in to see us.

Brett Sandham