Shout out!

Before I dive into writing some content for this blog I just wanted to give a shout out to some of the people who have influenced me on my journey. I want to acknowledge that I haven’t got to where I am today on my own and I believe in giving credit where credit is due. A lot of the things I recommend to clients and students are based on things I have heard from other people.

By far the person that I have learnt the most from is Ryan Debell from Movement Fix. (Check out his facebook page here I first started watching Ryan’s videos when I was studying Myotherapy. Ryan explains things clearly and simply and everything he says is based in anatomy. I was privileged to attend the Movement Fix Workshop in Sydney in 2017 and I highly recommend it if you ever get the opportunity to attend. I’ve used Ryan’s videos to explain things to my Diploma students and sent them to clients as recommendations for exercises.

The other group I follow and learn a lot from is Physiotutors ( I send all my students to their page because of their excellent videos, all based in the latest research.

I will endeavour to create my own voice on all things treatment and exercise but I strongly believe that if there is someone out there doing it well support them, don’t try and compete with them. I will continue to share content from Movement fix and Physiotutors along side my own content. I don’t need it to come from my mouth (or keyboard), if it is good content then it deserves to be shared.


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